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Biz hakda

HL krogen enjamlary1992-nji ýylda esaslandyrylan markaly marka. HL Cryogenic Equipment is committed to the design and manufacture of the High Vacuum Insulated Cryogenic Piping System and related Support Equipment to meet the various needs of customers. The Vacuum Insulated Pipe and Flexible Hose are constructed in a high vacuum and multi-layer multi-screen special insulated materials, and passes through a series of extremely strict technical treatments and high vacuum treatment, which is used for transferring of liquid oxygen, liquid nitrogen , suwuk argon ..

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Gurmak we hyzmat etmek

HL promises to reply to all inquiries within 24 hours. Hl Her ýyl her ýyl birnäçe sargyt bar we mümkin boldugyça gysga wagtda iberilip bilinjek her dürli ätiýaçlyk bölekleriniň ýeterlik işleýän indeksi bar.

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